— The Utility —
I sanded the deck with 220 grit sandpaper, in an effort to level off some of the ridges of epoxy that were left from squeegeeing the 2nd coat. I decided that, for the third coat, I would simply roll on the epoxy as thin as I possibly could, and leave it to cure.
Once I rolled on the third coat, the epoxy had tons of air bubbles in it... a byproduct of rolling the epoxy. Left as-is, the surface texture was likely to be rather rough. I did not want to ruin one of my good brushes by using it to "tip" the epoxy. So, what I wound up doing was passing the roller very gently over the surface of the epoxy a few times. The effect wasn't as clean as the regular "roll and tip" method, but it worked well enough.
Surface of the deck after lightly sanding with 220 grit. |
Surface of the deck after lightly sanding with 220 grit. |
Surface of the deck after 3rd coat of epoxy. |
Surface of the deck after 3rd coat of epoxy. You can see a FEW air bubbles, but overall... not bad. |
From some angles, you can clearly see the 8oz fiberglass tape in the center of the deck. Perhaps I didn't sand it enough? Perhaps I should have stuck to my original plan of covering the whole thing in 4oz deck cloth? |
From other angles, the fiberglass tape is all but invisible. |
Once the epoxy had cured for a full 24 hours, I again sanded it lightly with 22o grit. I wanted to knock down the few air bubbles that remained, before coating the deck with its first layer of varnish.
Half the deck sanded, in preparation for varnish. |
Deck after its first coat of varnish. |
2nd layer of varnish on the port quarter knee. |
One thing I learned when I used my varnish brush for the 2nd time was that I had not cleaned it sufficiently. The bristles were extremely stiff. Fortunately, I was able to work them loose enough to use a 2nd time.
The second time around cleaning the brush, I used more mineral spirits to fully saturate the bristles. I also worked longer at cleaning the brush. I found a good video online from Jamestown Distributors, showing how to clean varnish brushes. It's a great reference, so I'll share a link to it here:
— The Zip —
Another great thing I've been watching on YouTube lately is a superb video series on building a Glen-L Zip. If you're interested in building a Zip, or if you're interested in building a boat in general, I'd certainly recommend watching this video series. It's detailed, in-depth, and is currently up to 26 videos, and counting. Here's a link to the first one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQjS46Ur3sk
I got pretty inspired by the series, and have learned several things from watching. So the other day, while on a routine trip to the cardiologist, I stopped at a local lumber supplier and bought another board of mahogany. Since I've got the transom drawn out, and the 2 side frame members cut and shaped... I thought I'd continue working on the transom.
With an improvised fence, I'm ready to cut the Zip's motor board. |
I decided to start by cutting the motor board. It's important to me that I cut the motor board and the bottom frame member from the same piece of wood, so that they will be the same thickness. If they're not the same thickness, then I will have to cut a notch in the transom knee so that it will fit properly. I'd rather not do that.
One of the thing I learned from watching the video series is that I can get a cleaner, straighter cut with my circular saw if I use some type of improvised fence. I measured the distance from my circular saw blade to the outer edge of the shoe: exactly 1–1/2 inches.
After drawing the line across my mahogany board for the transom motor board, I drew another line exactly 1–1/2 inches away. I lined up a straight piece of 2x4 (left over from building my motor stand) on this line, and clamped it into place. Then, using that as a guide fence for my circular saw, a straight, clean and accurate cut was quick and easy.
Preparing to trim half an inch from the motor board. |
The Zip motor board, as designed, is 12 inches wide x 11 inches high. My mahogany board is just over 12.5 inches wide, so I needed to trim off about half an inch. Again, I improved a fence with a small piece of pine, and the cut was clean and easy.
One last note on the Zip: After I had coated the Utility deck with a 3rd layer of epoxy, I had just enough epoxy left over to finish adding a 2nd coat to the back of frame 5-1/2.
Zip frame #5-1/2 |
Current Status of Zip Parts
Part | Status |
Stem & Breasthook Assembly | 2 coats of epoxy |
Frame 5-1/2 | Forward face has 3 layers of epoxy. Rear face has 2 layers. |
Frame 4 | Side members cut, but have not been planed or notched for sheer. |
Transom Knee | Coated with 3 layers of epoxy |
Transom Frame | Side frame members cut 1/4" oversized on outer side. Motor board cut. |
Transom | Transom drawn onto 1/4" BS1088 Meranti plywood. |
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