Sunday, December 23, 2018

Time to take a break for Christmas

It's time to take a little break from working on the sleigh. I think I need to step away from it for a little while and give my brain some rest.

The fairing is going well, if slowly. However, I'm a bit perplexed. The fitting on the starboard side from the transom forward to Frame #4 is "not bad." That's the good part. The perplexing part is that, even though the fitting looks decent so far, the floor battens are anything but flat. Granted, they're not horribly off. The deviation between high spots and low spots is less than 1/16 inch on average.

Fitting at transom

1 foot forward of transom

2 feet forward of transom

3 feet forward of transom

Fitting at Frame #2

1 foot forward of Frame #2

2 feet forward of Frame #2

3 feet forward of Frame #2

Fitting at Frame #4

Approximately 8 inches forward of Frame #4.

The high & low spots are noticeable when I measure the battens linearly with a level. However, they're hardly apparent at all with the test plywood. 

Time to take a break.

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