Thursday, December 6, 2018

Big dip in the outer starboard batten

Once again, the title pretty much says it all. There's a significant low spot in the starboard outer floor batten, and it needs to be filled. 

Want more details? Read on...

Here's an updated graphic to help explain some of this stuff. The problem area is located on the starboard outer batten, in "Zone 2" between Frame #2 and Frame #4. The board is a little warped, to put it simply. This warp is creating a low spot on the batten.

Here's my piece of test plywood stretched across Frame#4:

Not bad. Now, here's the test plywood stretched across Frame #2:

Again, not bad. But, now let's take a look at the midway point between Frame #2 and Frame #4:

Yikes. Look closer:

Granted, the fairing isn't done yet. However, if you look at the angle of the batten in the middle of the dip, you'll see this clearly is not acceptable:

The only option is to fill in this low spot. I have the shim pieces cut. Now, I just need to laminate them onto the batten.

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